
Hello! I'm Brayan

I am a backend developer who loves designing the logic that makes websites & web apps come to lifes.


About me

My name is Brian, i'm a high school graduate. I'm from Mexico and I live in the city of Xalapa, state of Veracruz.

However, I am studying to be a great backend developer, since I love designing the logic behind apps. My goal is to work for a company that constantly requires new knowledge to innovate in programming.


My top three projects


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My skill as Backend

I am a backend developer who works especially with the GO (golang) programming language. It should be noted that the databases I always use are MySQL and PostgreSQL.

In my projects, I always use Git as the ideal version control system; I also implement Docker only if required by the program. Besides I work with cloud services like AWS and DigitalOcean.
